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EmptyOpen DrakonTech with a blank workspace, ready for your ideas
FunctionsA complete list of DRAKON's algorithmic constructs, including the silhouette. Importing and exporting functions. Module-level variables, async and await. Basic algorithms, including Hello world, Fibonacci, and FizzBuzz.
Linked ListsThese simple algorithms show how DRAKON puts looping and branching into action. Read more...
ClassesObject-oriented programming with light-weight classes that do not use the keywords “class”, “new”, and “this.”
State machinesState machines, or finite automata, represented with drakon flowcharts.
Algo-propsBackward chaining implemented with algorithmic properties, or algo-props. Algo-props make your programs shorter and simpler by reducing binding. With backward chaining, one does not call functions explicitly but simply uses data when needed.
Class algo-propsAlgo-props that are defined at the class level.
Lift: a state machine demoAn interactive demo that shows how to use state machines (finite automata) in DrakonTech. Run the demo in the browser here.